Sign Up
Implanter details
Please provide all the details here that will qualify you to obtain an account with Fido and subsequently give you access to training material to become a registered dog implanter and/or registrar. Fido staff will verify your details with the VCI or other Authority before granting you access.
Thank you
Your details have been registered with Fido. You will be contacted by email when your account has been finalized and is ready for use.
Training material will be made available from the Fido Portal in due course. Details will be sent by email and announced on the Fido home page.
What information am I providing, to whom and why?
You are providing information to Fido to indicate that you are a qualified vet, veterinary nurse professional implanter or registrar who wishes to use Fido's registration services in order to issue certificates to the owners of dogs into which you have personally implanted microchips, have scanned such chips or have received and confirmed registration details from an implanter whose UIC is known.
At this point the information required by Fido is that which is sufficient to enable Fido staff verify that you are a person who is qualified to implant, scan and/or register microchips, and subsequently make contact with you to give you access to the Fido registration service.
Why is this necessary?
Regulations introduced by the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine require that microchip implanters in Ireland register the implantation with a recognized microchip database. Fido is such a database, and is the most comprehensive service in the country that fully complies with all the new regulations.
Is there a fee to sign up?
No, there is no fee for you to sign up to Fido as an implanter.
Can anyone sign up?
Only qualified vets, veterinary nurses, professional implanters and registrars (by invitation), who have not been disbarred by the Minister, are permitted to sign up. Access is granted only to individual people (such as vets and veterinary nurses), not to practices or their place of work. Regulations require that the Fido registrar/implanter accounts are not shared. Individual account holders will be held responsible for their access credentials.
How do I prove that I am qualified to be an implanter?
Vets and veterinary nurses will need to supply a Registration Number issued by the Veterinary Council of Ireland, which will be cross-referenced by Fido with your name and your place of work. If you do not know your VCI Registration Number, contact the VCI. Professional implanters invited by Fido will be supplied with an Implanter's Registration Number (IRN) as part of the invitation. The sign-up process enables qualified candidates to supply various details to Fido from which a new Unique Identity Code (UIC) is created. Your Fido-issued UIC will be needed for login, and will appear on official certificates. After you have signed up as a qualified implanter, you will receive details on training on the use of Fido for the purpose of registration of implantations conducted by you, and you will receive your personal access credentials (including the UIC) for your sole use. Fido reserves the right to refuse a sign-up request at its discretion.
Will people know that I have signed up to Fido as an implanter?
There will be a list issued by Fido that can be searched by the public to determine if a person is registered as an invited implanter/registrar with Fido. Vets and veterinary nurses should also be confirmed with reference to their VRNs, which are visible to the public on the VCI site. The Minister can require that a person be withdrawn from the list and be disbarred from implanting, and in that case the Fido list will be amended.
The Fido sign-up page does not appear to be working for me
The site is designed to work with the most widespread free Web browsers available. For security, stability and compatibility reasons, these Web browsers expect you to keep them up-to-date. The site has been tested on recent versions of Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari on Windows and Mac computers. Older Web browsers and computers may encounter some issues, which are beyond Fido's control. Upgrading to a more recent (free) mainstream browser will usually eliminate any problems you may encounter.
Note that the Fido Portal does not create permanent "Cookies", but does require JavaScript to be active. Both of these technologies would normally be active on your Web browser.
How does Fido contact me?
Normally Fido will contact you directly via email, including for automated services such as verifying a password recovery. For group messages, updates and general notices, Fido currently uses MailChimp. If there are difficulties reaching you via email, Fido staff may attempt to contact you by phone or through the post. Fido asks that you check that your email spam filters will permit the Fido and MailChimp correspondence to reach you. Please note that sign-up requests are processed manually by Fido staff as credentials and qualifications must be checked, so please allow some time before contacting Fido regarding a recent sign-up request.
Government Press Release, 02/2015
On 20 February 2015, the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine issued a Press Release [PDF download] announcing the compulsory microchipping of dogs.